Installations of Software Packages for Threshold Regression (TEST VERSION)
This webpage is set up for the installations of software packages implementing threshold regression and test datasets. If you have any questions, please contact Xin He: xinhe(AT)umd(DOT)edu
1. How to install threshold regression software package and test datasets for R:
- We provide the "threg" installation package for R:
Package source: threg_1.0.3.tar.gz
Windows binary: (built and tested under R version 2.11.0 in Windows)
- After installing the "threg" package in R, load the package in R by typing the following command in R promt:
- Next, type the following command in R promt, to check the help file on how to use this "threg" package in R:
The user manual for the “threg” package in R can be found in the following published article:
Xiao T, Whitmore GA, He X, Lee M-LT (2015). The R Package threg to Implement Threshold Regression Model,Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 66, Issue 8.
2. How to install threshold regression software package and test datasets for STATA:
- Copy the following paragraphs and paste them into STATA to execute:
net install stthreg,replace force from(
net get stthreg,replace force from(
(NOTE: The links above are not clickable; use the command.)
Then, you should have installed "stthreg" package and test datasets in STATA.
- Next, run the following commands to check help files for the "stthreg" package for STATA:
help stthreg
help trhr
help trpredict
help sttrkm
3. How to install threshold regression software package and test datasets for SAS:
- We provide a SAS macro "threg" to run threshold regression. Right click the link and choose "Save As..." to save the macro to your local drive.
- An example on using "threg" SAS macro to run threshold regression on data melanoma:
Suppose you have saved the SAS macro file into "C:\sasmacro\" in your local drive have read in the melanoma data in SAS. Then, simply execute the two commands in SAS below to run threshold regression on the data:
%include 'C:\sasmacro\';
%threg(data=melanoma,lny0=age, mu=thick age sex, time=survtime, failure=status);
Cited References:
Xiao T, Whitmore GA, He X, Lee M-LT. Threg: a new command to implement threshold regression model in STATA. The STATA Journal, 2012, 12(2): 257-283.
Lee M-LT, Whitmore GA, Rosner B. Threshold Regression for Survival Data with Time-varying Covariates.Statistics in Medicine, 2010, 29, 7-8: 896 - 905.
Lee M-LT, Whitmore GA. Proportional hazards and threshold regression: their theoretical and practical connections. Lifetime Data Analysis, 2010, 16, 2: 196-214.
Pennell M, Whitmore GA, Lee M-LT. Bayesian random effects threshold regression with application to survival data with nonproportional hazards. Biostatistics, 2010, 11, 1: 111-126.
Lee M-LT, Whitmore GA. Threshold regression for survival analysis: modeling event times by a stochastic process reaching a boundary. Statistical Sciences, 2006, 21: 501-513.
Klein, J. P., Moeschberger, M. L. Survival analysis: techniques for censored and truncated data. 2nd Edition. 2003, New York (NY): Springer-Verlag.
Nahman, N. S., Middendorf, D. F., Bay, W. H., McElligott, R., Powell S., Anderson J. Modification of the percutaneous approach to peritoneal dialysis catheter placement under peritoneoscopic visualization: Clinical results in 78 patients. Journal of the American Journal of Nephrology, 1992, 3: 103-107.
Drzewiecki, K. T., Andersen, P. K. Surival with malignant melanoma: a regression analysis of prognostic factors. Cancer, 1982, 49: 2414-2419.